HD 72659

Display orbital revolution around the star HD 72659
Imaginary Picture of Star HD 72659
Star Name : HD 72659
Alternate Name :
Star Distance (LY/pc): inf (LY) inf (pc)
Stellar Radius (Rsun): 0.0000 (Rsun, measured) 1.4507 (Rsun, estimated)
Stellar Mass (Msun): 1.0900 (Msun/observed) 1.0900 (Msun/estimated)
Spectral type : G0IV-V
Metalicity : 0.0135
Absolute Magnitude : -inf
Apparent Magnitude : 7.46
Right Ascension(RA) : 128.51250
Declination(DEC) : -1.56806
  • This is the HD 72659 . The star HD 72659 islocated about inf light-years ( inf pc) away from our Solar System.
  • The star HD 72659 has apparent magnitude of 7.5, with absolute magnitude of -inf.
  • It is 1.1 times more massive and 1.5 times bigger compared with our Sun. The surface temperature is 5943 with its spectral types of G0IV-V
  • Number of Extrasolar Planets : 2
  • Name of the 1 Planet HD 72659 b radius 0.907830 mass 2.988000 orbital distance 4.691000
  • Name of the 2 Planet HD 72659 c radius 0.907830 mass 18.806000 orbital distance 13.959000
    (Illustration of the HD 72659's Planetary System)

    The Star HD 72659 's habitable zone is located at the following distance

    Inner Boundary (the orbital distance at Venus's Equivalent Radiation ) : 1.110 AU ( 166053175.1 km)
    Earth Boundary (the orbital distance at Earth's Equivalent Radiation) : 1.534 AU ( 229528882.8 km)
    Outer Boundary (the orbital distance at Mars's Equivalent Radiation) : 2.338 AU ( 349751222.8 km)
    Snow Line (the orbital distance at Snow Line Equivalent Radiation) : 3.440 AU ( 514674245.9 km)
    (Habitable zone calculated based on SEAU(Solar Equivalent Astronomical Unit) around the star HD 72659)

    Kopparapu's Recent Venus for Star HD 72659 distance : 1.139 AU
    Kopparapu's Runaway Greenhouse for Earth-sized planet for Star HD 72659 distance : 1.442 AU
    Kopparapu's Runaway Greenhouse for Super-Earth-sized planet for Star HD 72659 distance : 1.393 AU
    Kopparapu's Runaway Greenhouse for Mars-sized planet for Star HD 72659 distance : 1.527 AU
    Kopparapu's Outer Boundary for Maximum Greenhouse for Star HD 72659 distance : 2.537 AU
    Kopparapu's Outer Boundary for Early Mars for Star HD 72659 distance : 2.675 AU
    (Habitable zone calculated based on Kopparapu et al.(2013) around the star HD 72659)

  • Original Kopparapu Recent Venus for Star HD 72659 distance : 1.144 AU
  • Original Kopparapu Runaway Greenhouse for Star HD 72659 distance : 1.481 AU
  • Original Kopparapu Moist Greenhouse for Star HD 72659 distance : 1.514 AU
  • Original Kopparapu Outer Boundary for Maximum Greenhouse for Star HD 72659 distance : 2.582 AU
  • Original Kopparapu Outer Boundary for Early Mars for Star HD 72659 distance : 2.685 AU

    (Habitable zone calculated based on Kopparapu et al.(Original) around the star HD 72659)

    (Position in Stellar Map of star HD 72659 )

    (Zoomed position in Stellar Map of star HD 72659 (zoom level 3))

    (Synthetic Spectrum of star HD 13189*)
    *Yamashiki YA et al. 2019 ApJ 881 114
    MUSCLES Paper I - France et al. 2016 ApJ 820 89
    MUSCLES Paper II- Youngblood et al. 2016 ApJ 824 101
    MUSCLES Paper III- Loyd et al. 2016 ApJ 824 102